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Library for formatting the request part of the base messages.

  • Request represents a message sender requirements for the message execution on the destination chain.
  • Request occupies a single storage word, and thus is stored on stack instead of being stored in memory.

gasDrop field is included for future compatibility and is ignored at the moment.

Request stack layout (from highest bits to lowest)

(024..012]gasDropuint9612Minimum amount of gas token to drop to the recipient
(012..004]gasLimituint648Minimum amount of gas units to supply for execution
(004..000]versionuint324Base message version to pass to the recipient

State Variables


Amount of bits to shift to gasDrop field

uint192 private constant SHIFT_GAS_DROP = 12 * 8;


Amount of bits to shift to gasLimit field

uint192 private constant SHIFT_GAS_LIMIT = 4 * 8;



Returns an encoded request with the given fields

function encodeRequest(uint96 gasDrop_, uint64 gasLimit_, uint32 version_) internal pure returns (Request);


gasDrop_uint96Minimum amount of gas token to drop to the recipient (ignored at the moment)
gasLimit_uint64Minimum amount of gas units to supply for execution
version_uint32Base message version to pass to the recipient


Wraps the padded encoded request into a Request-typed value.

The "padded" request is simply an encoded request casted to uint256 (highest bits are set to zero). Casting to uint256 is done automatically in Solidity, so no extra actions from consumers are needed. The highest bits are discarded, so that the contracts dealing with encoded requests don't need to be updated, if a new field is added.

function wrapPadded(uint256 paddedRequest) internal pure returns (Request);


Returns the requested of gas token to drop to the recipient.

function gasDrop(Request request) internal pure returns (uint96);


Returns the requested minimum amount of gas units to supply for execution.

function gasLimit(Request request) internal pure returns (uint64);


Returns the requested base message version to pass to the recipient.

function version(Request request) internal pure returns (uint32);