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Adds a new agent for the domain. This is either a fresh address (Inactive), or an agent who used to be active on the same domain before (Resting).

Inactive: proof should be the proof of inclusion of an empty leaf having index following the last added agent in the tree.

Resting: proof should be the proof of inclusion of the agent leaf with Resting flag having index previously assigned to the agent.

function addAgent(uint32 domain, address agent, bytes32[] memory proof) external;


domainuint32Domain where the Agent will be active
agentaddressAddress of the Agent
proofbytes32[]Merkle proof of the Inactive/Resting status for the agent


Initiates the unstaking of the agent bond. Agent signature is immediately no longer considered valid on Synapse Chain, and will be invalid on other chains once the Light Manager updates their agent merkle root on these chains.

proof should be the proof of inclusion of the agent leaf with Active flag having index previously assigned to the agent.

function initiateUnstaking(uint32 domain, address agent, bytes32[] memory proof) external;


domainuint32Domain where the Agent is active
agentaddressAddress of the Agent
proofbytes32[]Merkle proof of the Active status for the agent


Completes the unstaking of the agent bond. Agent signature is no longer considered valid on any of the chains.

proof should be the proof of inclusion of the agent leaf with Unstaking flag having index previously assigned to the agent.

function completeUnstaking(uint32 domain, address agent, bytes32[] memory proof) external;


domainuint32Domain where the Agent was active
agentaddressAddress of the Agent
proofbytes32[]Merkle proof of the unstaking status for the agent


Completes the slashing of the agent bond. Agent signature is no longer considered valid under the updated Agent Merkle Root.

proof should be the proof of inclusion of the agent leaf with Active/Unstaking flag having index previously assigned to the agent.

function completeSlashing(uint32 domain, address agent, bytes32[] memory proof) external;


domainuint32Domain where the Agent was active
agentaddressAddress of the Agent
proofbytes32[]Merkle proof of the active/unstaking status for the agent


Remote AgentManager should call this function to indicate that the agent has been proven to commit fraud on the origin chain.

This initiates the process of agent slashing. It could be immediately completed by anyone calling completeSlashing() providing a correct merkle proof for the OLD agent status. Note: as an extra security check this function returns its own selector, so that Destination could verify that a "remote" function was called when executing a manager message. Will revert if msgOrigin is equal to contract's local domain.

function remoteSlashAgent(uint32 msgOrigin, uint256 proofMaturity, uint32 domain, address agent, address prover)
    returns (bytes4 magicValue);


domainuint32Domain where the slashed agent was active
agentaddressAddress of the slashed Agent
proveraddressAddress that initially provided fraud proof to remote AgentManager


magicValuebytes4Selector of this function


Withdraws locked base message tips from requested domain Origin to the recipient. Issues a call to a local Origin contract, or sends a manager message to the remote chain.

Could only be called by the Summit contract.

function withdrawTips(address recipient, uint32 origin, uint256 amount) external;


recipientaddressAddress to withdraw tips to
originuint32Domain where tips need to be withdrawn
amountuint256Tips value to withdraw


Allows contract owner to resolve a stuck Dispute. This could only be called if no fresh data has been submitted by the Notaries to the Inbox, which is required for the Dispute to be resolved naturally.

Will revert if any of these is true:

  • Caller is not contract owner.
  • Domain doesn't match the saved agent domain.
  • slashedAgent is not in Dispute.
  • Less than FRESH_DATA_TIMEOUT has passed since the last Notary submission to the Inbox.
function resolveDisputeWhenStuck(uint32 domain, address slashedAgent) external;


slashedAgentaddressAgent that is being slashed


Returns all active agents for a given domain.

function getActiveAgents(uint32 domain) external view returns (address[] memory agents);


domainuint32Domain to get agents from (ZERO for Guards)


Returns a leaf representing the current status of agent in the Agent Merkle Tree.

Will return an empty leaf, if agent is not added to the tree yet.

function agentLeaf(address agent) external view returns (bytes32 leaf);


agentaddressAgent address


leafbytes32Agent leaf in the Agent Merkle Tree


Returns a total amount of leafs representing known agents.

This includes active, unstaking, resting and slashed agents. This also includes an empty leaf as the very first entry.

function leafsAmount() external view returns (uint256 amount);


Returns a full list of leafs from the Agent Merkle Tree.

This might consume a lot of gas, do not use this on-chain.

function allLeafs() external view returns (bytes32[] memory leafs);


Returns a list of leafs from the Agent Merkle Tree with indexes [indexFrom .. indexFrom + amount).

This might consume a lot of gas, do not use this on-chain.

Will return less than amount entries, if indexFrom + amount > leafsAmount

function getLeafs(uint256 indexFrom, uint256 amount) external view returns (bytes32[] memory leafs);


Returns a proof of inclusion of the agent in the Agent Merkle Tree.

Will return a proof for an empty leaf, if agent is not added to the tree yet. This proof could be used by ANY next new agent that calls {addAgent}.

This WILL consume a lot of gas, do not use this on-chain.

The alternative way to create a proof is to fetch the full list of leafs using either {allLeafs} or {getLeafs}, and create a merkle proof from that.

function getProof(address agent) external view returns (bytes32[] memory proof);


agentaddressAgent address


proofbytes32[]Merkle proof for the agent