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Inherits: SnapshotHub, SummitEvents, InterfaceSummit

Summit contract is the cornerstone of the Synapse messaging protocol. This is where the states of all the remote chains (provided collectively by the Guards and Notaries) are stored. This is also the place where the tips are distributed among the off-chain actors. Summit is responsible for the following:

  • Accepting Guard and Notary snapshots from the local Inbox contract, and storing the states from these snapshots (see parent contract SnapshotHub).
  • Accepting Notary Receipts from the local Inbox contract, and using them to distribute tips among the off-chain actors that participated in the message lifecycle.

State Variables


mapping(bytes32 => SummitReceipt) private _receipts;


mapping(bytes32 => ReceiptStatus) private _receiptStatus;


mapping(bytes32 => ReceiptTips) private _receiptTips;


DoubleEndedQueue.Bytes32Deque private _receiptQueue;


Returns earned and claimed tips for the actor. Note: Tips for address(0) belong to the Treasury.

mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => ActorTips)) public actorTips;



constructor(uint32 synapseDomain_, address agentManager_, address inbox_)
    AgentSecured("0.0.3", synapseDomain_, agentManager_, inbox_);


function initialize() external initializer;


Accepts a receipt, which local AgentManager verified to have been signed by an active Notary.

Receipt is a statement about message execution status on the remote chain.

  • This will distribute the message tips across the off-chain actors once the receipt optimistic period is over.
  • Notary who signed the receipt is referenced as the "Receipt Notary".
  • Notary who signed the attestation on destination chain is referenced as the "Attestation Notary".

Will revert if any of these is true:

  • Called by anyone other than local AgentManager.
  • Receipt body payload is not properly formatted.
  • Receipt signer is in Dispute.
  • Receipt's snapshot root is unknown.
function acceptReceipt(
    uint32 rcptNotaryIndex,
    uint32 attNotaryIndex,
    uint256 sigIndex,
    uint32 attNonce,
    uint256 paddedTips,
    bytes memory rcptPayload
) external onlyInbox returns (bool wasAccepted);


rcptNotaryIndexuint32Index of Receipt Notary in Agent Merkle Tree
attNotaryIndexuint32Index of Attestation Notary in Agent Merkle Tree
sigIndexuint256Index of stored Notary signature
attNonceuint32Nonce of the attestation used for proving the executed message
paddedTipsuint256Padded encoded paid tips information
rcptPayloadbytesRaw payload with message execution receipt


wasAcceptedboolWhether the receipt was accepted


Accepts a snapshot, which local AgentManager verified to have been signed by an active Guard.

Snapshot is a list of states for a set of Origin contracts residing on any of the chains. All the states in the Guard-signed snapshot become available for Notary signing. Will revert if any of these is true:

  • Called by anyone other than local AgentManager.
  • Snapshot payload is not properly formatted.
  • Snapshot contains a state older then the Guard has previously submitted.
function acceptGuardSnapshot(uint32 guardIndex, uint256 sigIndex, bytes memory snapPayload) external onlyInbox;


guardIndexuint32Index of Guard in Agent Merkle Tree
sigIndexuint256Index of stored Agent signature
snapPayloadbytesRaw payload with snapshot data


Accepts a snapshot, which local AgentManager verified to have been signed by an active Notary.

Snapshot is a list of states for a set of Origin contracts residing on any of the chains. Snapshot Merkle Root is calculated and saved for valid snapshots, i.e. snapshots which are only using states previously submitted by any of the Guards.

  • Notary could use states singed by the same of different Guards in their snapshot.
  • Notary could then proceed to sign the attestation for their submitted snapshot.

Will revert if any of these is true:

  • Called by anyone other than local AgentManager.
  • Snapshot payload is not properly formatted.
  • Snapshot contains a state older then the Notary has previously submitted.
  • Snapshot contains a state that no Guard has previously submitted.
function acceptNotarySnapshot(uint32 notaryIndex, uint256 sigIndex, bytes32 agentRoot, bytes memory snapPayload)
    returns (bytes memory attPayload);


notaryIndexuint32Index of Notary in Agent Merkle Tree
sigIndexuint256Index of stored Agent signature
agentRootbytes32Current root of the Agent Merkle Tree
snapPayloadbytesRaw payload with snapshot data


attPayloadbytesRaw payload with data for attestation derived from Notary snapshot.


Distributes tips using the first Receipt from the "receipt quarantine queue". Possible scenarios:

  • Receipt queue is empty => does nothing
  • Receipt optimistic period is not over => does nothing
  • Either of Notaries present in Receipt was slashed => receipt is deleted from the queue
  • Either of Notaries present in Receipt in Dispute => receipt is moved to the end of queue
  • None of the above => receipt tips are distributed

Returned value makes it possible to do the following: while (distributeTips()) {}

function distributeTips() public returns (bool queuePopped);


queuePoppedboolWhether the first element was popped from the queue


Withdraws locked base message tips from requested domain Origin to the recipient. This is done by a call to a local Origin contract, or by a manager message to the remote chain.

This will revert, if the pending balance of origin tips (earned-claimed) is lower than requested.

function withdrawTips(uint32 origin, uint256 amount) external;


originuint32Domain of chain to withdraw tips on
amountuint256Amount of tips to withdraw


Returns the amount of receipts in the "Receipt Quarantine Queue".

function receiptQueueLength() external view returns (uint256);


Returns the state with the highest known nonce submitted by any of the currently active Guards.

function getLatestState(uint32 origin) external view returns (bytes memory statePayload);


originuint32Domain of origin chain


statePayloadbytesRaw payload with latest active Guard state for origin


*Checks if the given Notary has been disputed.

  • Notary was slashed => receipt is invalided and deleted
  • Notary is in Dispute => receipt handling is postponed*
function _checkNotaryDisputed(bytes32 messageHash, uint32 notaryIndex) internal returns (bool queuePopped);


Deletes all stored receipt data and removes it from the queue.

function _deleteFromQueue(bytes32 messageHash) internal;


Moves the front element of the queue to its back.

function _moveToBack() internal;


Saves the message from the receipt into the "quarantine queue". Once message leaves the queue, tips associated with the message are distributed across off-chain actors.

function _saveReceipt(
    Receipt rcpt,
    Tips tips,
    uint32 rcptNotaryIndex,
    uint32 attNotaryIndex,
    uint256 sigIndex,
    uint32 attNonce
) internal returns (bool);


Awards tips to the agent/actors that participated in message lifecycle

function _awardTips(
    uint32 rcptNotaryIndex,
    uint32 attNotaryIndex,
    bytes32 messageHash,
    SummitReceipt memory summitRcpt,
    ReceiptStatus memory rcptStatus
) internal;


Award tip to the bonded agent

function _awardAgentTip(uint32 agentIndex, uint32 origin, uint64 tip) internal;


Award tip to any actor whether bonded or unbonded

function _awardActorTip(address actor, uint32 origin, uint64 tip) internal;


Award tip for posting Receipt to Summit contract.

function _awardReceiptTip(uint32 rcptNotaryIndex, bool awardFirst, bool awardFinal, uint32 origin, uint64 summitTip)


Award tip for posting Snapshot to Summit contract.

function _awardSnapshotTip(uint32 attNonce, uint8 stateIndex, uint32 origin, uint64 summitTip) internal;


Returns "snapshot part" of the summit tip.

function _snapshotTip(uint64 summitTip) internal pure returns (uint64);


Returns "receipt part" of the summit tip.

function _receiptTip(uint64 summitTip) internal pure returns (uint64);



struct SummitReceipt {
    uint32 origin;
    uint32 destination;
    uint32 attNonce;
    uint8 stateIndex;
    uint32 attNotaryIndex;
    address firstExecutor;
    address finalExecutor;


struct ReceiptStatus {
    MessageStatus status;
    bool pending;
    bool tipsAwarded;
    uint32 receiptNotaryIndex;
    uint40 submittedAt;


struct ReceiptTips {
    uint64 summitTip;
    uint64 attestationTip;
    uint64 executionTip;
    uint64 deliveryTip;


Struct for storing the actor tips for a given origin domain.

struct ActorTips {
    uint128 earned;
    uint128 claimed;