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Attestation structure represents the "Snapshot Merkle Tree" created from every Notary snapshot accepted by the Summit contract. Attestation includes" the root of the "Snapshot Merkle Tree", as well as additional metadata.

Steps for creation of "Snapshot Merkle Tree":

  1. The list of hashes is composed for states in the Notary snapshot.
  2. The list is padded with zero values until its length is 2**SNAPSHOT_TREE_HEIGHT.
  3. Values from the list are used as leafs and the merkle tree is constructed.

Differences between a State and Attestation

Similar to Origin, every derived Notary's "Snapshot Merkle Root" is saved in Summit contract. The main difference is that Origin contract itself is keeping track of an incremental merkle tree, by inserting the hash of the sent message and calculating the new "Origin Merkle Root". While Summit relies on Guards and Notaries to provide snapshot data, which is used to calculate the "Snapshot Merkle Root".

  • Origin's State is "state of Origin Merkle Tree after N-th message was sent".
  • Summit's Attestation is "data for the N-th accepted Notary Snapshot" + "agent merkle root at the time snapshot was submitted" + "attestation metadata".

Attestation validity

  • Attestation is considered "valid" in Summit contract, if it matches the N-th (nonce) snapshot submitted by Notaries, as well as the historical agent merkle root.
  • Attestation is considered "valid" in Origin contract, if its underlying Snapshot is "valid".
  • This means that a snapshot could be "valid" in Summit contract and "invalid" in Origin, if the underlying snapshot is invalid (i.e. one of the states in the list is invalid).
  • The opposite could also be true. If a perfectly valid snapshot was never submitted to Summit, its attestation would be valid in Origin, but invalid in Summit (it was never accepted, so the metadata would be incorrect).
  • Attestation is considered "globally valid", if it is valid in the Summit and all the Origin contracts.

Memory layout of Attestation fields

[000..032)snapRootbytes3232Root for "Snapshot Merkle Tree" created from a Notary snapshot
[032..064)dataHashbytes3232Agent Root and SnapGasHash combined into a single hash
[064..068)nonceuint324Total amount of all accepted Notary snapshots
[068..073)blockNumberuint405Block when this Notary snapshot was accepted in Summit
[073..078)timestampuint405Time when this Notary snapshot was accepted in Summit

Attestation could be signed by a Notary and submitted to Destination in order to use if for proving messages coming from origin chains that the initial snapshot refers to.

State Variables


The variables below are not supposed to be used outside of the library directly.

uint256 private constant OFFSET_SNAP_ROOT = 0;


uint256 private constant OFFSET_DATA_HASH = 32;


uint256 private constant OFFSET_NONCE = 64;


uint256 private constant OFFSET_BLOCK_NUMBER = 68;


uint256 private constant OFFSET_TIMESTAMP = 73;



Returns a formatted Attestation payload with provided fields.

function formatAttestation(bytes32 snapRoot_, bytes32 dataHash_, uint32 nonce_, uint40 blockNumber_, uint40 timestamp_)
    returns (bytes memory);


snapRoot_bytes32Snapshot merkle tree's root
dataHash_bytes32Agent Root and SnapGasHash combined into a single hash
nonce_uint32Attestation Nonce
blockNumber_uint40Block number when attestation was created in Summit
timestamp_uint40Block timestamp when attestation was created in Summit


<none>bytesFormatted attestation


Returns an Attestation view over the given payload.

Will revert if the payload is not an attestation.

function castToAttestation(bytes memory payload) internal pure returns (Attestation);


Casts a memory view to an Attestation view.

Will revert if the memory view is not over an attestation.

function castToAttestation(MemView memView) internal pure returns (Attestation);


Checks that a payload is a formatted Attestation.

function isAttestation(MemView memView) internal pure returns (bool);


Returns the hash of an Attestation, that could be later signed by a Notary to signal that the attestation is valid.

function hashValid(Attestation att) internal pure returns (bytes32);


Returns the hash of an Attestation, that could be later signed by a Guard to signal that the attestation is invalid.

function hashInvalid(Attestation att) internal pure returns (bytes32);


Convenience shortcut for unwrapping a view.

function unwrap(Attestation att) internal pure returns (MemView);


Returns root of the Snapshot merkle tree created in the Summit contract.

function snapRoot(Attestation att) internal pure returns (bytes32);


Returns hash of the Agent Root and SnapGasHash combined into a single hash.

function dataHash(Attestation att) internal pure returns (bytes32);


Returns hash of the Agent Root and SnapGasHash combined into a single hash.

function dataHash(bytes32 agentRoot_, bytes32 snapGasHash_) internal pure returns (bytes32);


Returns nonce of Summit contract at the time, when attestation was created.

function nonce(Attestation att) internal pure returns (uint32);


Returns a block number when attestation was created in Summit.

function blockNumber(Attestation att) internal pure returns (uint40);


Returns a block timestamp when attestation was created in Summit.

This is the timestamp according to the Synapse Chain.

function timestamp(Attestation att) internal pure returns (uint40);